Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough

Kennel Cough It can be distressing to witness your dog being sick. Your dog is generally miserable and lethargic. The cough itself is also loud and can sound quite concerning. This type of cough can become quite serious if left untreated for a long time, and it also prevents your dog from being near other dogs until they have recovered.

Kennel Cough, what is it?

respiratory disease that occurs in puppies and dogs. Dogs tend to catch it at boarding kennels or off-lead dog parks. Treatment is easy. Dogs should be immunized to minimize risk.


Some common symptoms are associated with kennel cough, one being a ‘honking’ sound as your dog coughs. Other symptoms may include:

• Frequent sneezing

• Runny nose

• Tiredness

• Loss of appetite

The treatment

Treatment is similar to a common cold in humans. A fortnight of rest should be enough for recovery to take place. Should the symptoms persist, it may be necessary to prescribe antibiotics or cough medication to ease the symptoms.

Treatment is essential if symptoms persist.

Often, a cough may resolve itself on its own. However, if after 14 days, your dog is still not well, antibiotics may have to be used.

How to stop the spread of Kennel Cough.

Separate your dog from other pets and keep their food and water bowls apart.

Are humans at risk?

Humans can’t catch kennel cough, but other animals may become infected.

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