As one of the leading Perth boarding kennels for Chihuahuas, we give you tips on how to comfort your dog during a storm. Does your dog run away in fright if he hears a thunderclap? Is your dog disturbed, terrified, or worried when a bolt of lightning strikes nearby? Even small storms may be enough to throw many dogs into a tailspin of fear and worry.
Get Your Dog an Anti-static Jacket to Keep Him Safe
Anti-static coats for dogs are now available to protect dogs from the static electricity that builds during thunderstorms. Wrapping your dog protects him against static electricity, making him less scared of thunderstorms in the long run. As a leading Perth boarding kennel for Chihuahuas, we pay attention to these factors all the time.
Look for Signs That Indicate Separation Anxiety
Keep an eye out for symptoms your pet might be suffering from separation anxiety, which a storm might aggravate. If you’re unsure if your pet’s panting, pacing, or restlessness during a storm is suggestive of anything more serious, try filming them. Show the video to your veterinarian at your next appointment so that they may give you some guidance on what to do next.
Make the Dog’s Haven Even More Comfortable by Allowing Them to Choose Where They Feel Most at Ease
It’s critical to provide your pet the flexibility to choose where it feels most secure at all times. If they have fled to a place where they feel most comfortable (generally the bathroom or a tiny corner room), assist them by playing some white noise to drown out the thunderclaps or installing some acoustic tiling to provide a degree of soundproofing.
Lastly, the best thing you can do is stay next to them; your presence comforts them to a greater extent. They value your presence more than anything else you could ever do for them. Invest part of your time in spending time with them. Did you know that spending some quality time with your lovable little puppy is great for both your physical and emotional health? Your dog and you both stand to benefit from this arrangement, making it a win-win scenario.